If you are reading this,
And you may just be one.
Of many, we're in remiss,
Those we've loved, lost, and won.

To those we rarely see,
Though once seemed so near
That specialness never left us,
Treasured moments, so dear.

Growing in faithfulness,
The laughter and the tears.
To love and to bless,
Overcoming our fears.

Letting go and falling in,
The journey together was grand.
Exploring places so thin,
And a time to hold a hand. 

Never lost, here and now,
Arriving to meet your fullness.
Without a sound, your presence is known,
Love, surpassing time, and vastness.

Deep friendships of sister and brother,
Reciprocal healing and growth.
A life-giving spark to each other,
Igniting a mystical oath.

So reach far out,
Then reaching on in.
Discovering a route,
A way towards, and within.

John Pearson


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